
I've been feeling sad for the past three days because my period is coming. I'm frustrated with myself,my husband,and everyone aroumd me.I don't feel like going out but I also don't want to stay home. Yesterday,I cried a lot, and my husband asked if he could do anything for me, while I wanted him to take action without asking. He admitted that he couldn't understand what I was going through and didn't know how to help.His frustration led him to play a online game, which made me cry even more for 2 hours. I started to feel a little better afterward and tried to calm myself down.





Let’s consider the state of "元気" as a level beyond just healthy. While asking "お元気ですか?" may inquire about someone’s general well-being,referring to someone as "元気な人" implies they possess a special vitality propelling them beyond mere health.



I don't cheer myself up when I feel sad. During moments of sadness or difficulty, instead of forcing a positive outlook, it is better to acknowledge and express negative emotions whether through crying or allowing oneself to feel anger. When the body feels tired, it's advisable not to push too hard but to listen to the body's signals and take the necessary rest.




久しぶりに友人と会う前、旅行に出発する前、あるいはパーティーに参加する前とか 楽しみなイベントに向けての準備運動的な意識で元気を「出しておく」。事前の元気づけを行うことで本番になっていきなり活力を引き上げる必要がなくなり自然に元気に満ちた状態に入りやすくなる。

So, when do I “cheer myself up”? First,it’s essential to be both mentally and physically healthy.Then, I lift my spirits by watching YouTube or singing a song, etc., before enjoyable events such as meeting a friend, departing for a trip, or going to a party.Stimulating myself before the event makes it easier to become naturally cheerful, rather than trying to  improve my mood significantly.










1 自分の歌いたいように歌う(音程が取れないところは飛ばしていい)

2 歌詞を見ながら歌う(通しで歌った方が流れがループしたり止まったりしなくて気持ちがいいから)

3 誰も見てないことを信じて全力で歌う。感情をオープンにして、自然と歌に合わせて目を閉じたり腕を動かすようになる。それでいい。全身で歌う。

